Monday, August 16, 2010

What I've Been Doing, Or, Why I Have Not Posted In a Month

The short answer is that I've been busy and exhausted. I've been a group leader at a theatre camp at Tufts  for the past six weeks, doing final revisions on my thesis, and trying to study for comprehensive exams - all simultaneously. 

I've also been eating pretty badly, so I haven't really had very much to report to you about good food because there hasn't been very much of it. I'm planning on getting back to some kind of normal rhythm in time for school to start again on September 7th. At that point, I'll have the Fall just ahead of me and the last glorious days of summer just behind. I believe I have mentioned more than once on this blog how wonderful the Fall is in Boston. It might be the best time of year here, and there's bound to be apple doughnuts sometime in my future. 

Now, the summer has been nothing if not productive. My thesis is done, camp was wonderful, and the studying (while I could stand to throw some energy into it) has been going just fine. I had time to myself at the beginning, and now I have just enough time to get my head back in the game and prepare a new syllabus for my Introduction to Acting class version 2.0. I'm streamlining the class this year, going simple and neat, without all the bells and whistles. I think it will turn out just fine, and the kids will profit from it. 

After having done my thesis I, of course, don't even want to look at it. Writing the conclusion was like pulling teeth. How does one summarize a year's worth of writing, editing, and revising in a few pages and make it make sense? I still don't know. What I do know is that I learned something from the process of doing it that I didn't know before. Which, I suppose, is the most important thing. 

I'm not going to try to summarize any of that here and now. Partly because I don't really want to talk about it now, and partly because I don't want to jinx myself. I still have to get people to read it and defend the thing. It's not over yet. When it is, when I don't have to talk about it, I think I'll be able to think about the whole year a little more clearly, and then it will start to come out in fits and starts. 

Anyway, when I start eating something worthwhile, you'll know. Right now, I have to go and read. 

I bid you peace. 

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