Friday, October 1, 2010


As an extension of my life in graduate school, this blog has served a lot of purposes. Food, of course, has a special place here, as do musings about the academic world and the life I've chosen. So it would be remiss of me if I neglected to let you know (whoever it is who actually reads my blog) that I passed my thesis defense and now have a Masters in Drama. You may well ask, "now what?" Does the blog end? Do we go our separate ways? Is there life after graduate school? In short: no, no, and I hope so. 

First of all, I'm not going anywhere because I'm now in the doctoral program. Second of all, I've really come to appreciate having what amounts to a non-academic outlet to talk about academic life. Because the world is scary out there right now for everyone. Jobs are scarce in the profession, and the competition for what jobs there are is intense. Keeping up, from what I understand, is about consuming critical/theoretical tools like we were eating or breathing and then formulating immense amounts of original work from all that consumption. But while doing that, you should be applying for fellowships and grants, pursuing publication, attending conferences, and...oh, right...teaching. With all of this to do, its important to have somewhere to go to talk about something else, or vent, or...whatever. And that's what the blog is for. 

Pursuing this life can be overwhelming, but I think that I'm much more excited about it than frightened these days. There are moments when I feel like my life is totally out of control, but these have gotten fewer, and I've learned a lot about the way that works and how to control it. As it turns out, you do what you can when you can and how you do it best. You improve over time if you can acknowledge your mistakes as places for growth and not as personal flaws, and you also learn how to give yourself the impetus to keep going without being constantly overwhelmed with what you could be doing. Because you can always be working, but you also simply can't always be working. So, you know, I'm excited all over again for the next step in the process. Because this work is incredibly important and fulfilling, and I love teaching. 

I bid you peace.